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Friday, 13 January 2012

The Diet Selector - Choice Diet

The Diet Selector

The Nutrition Centre and the Consumers' Association have jointly written a diet called The Choice Diet. The Choice of Diet is a translation of the German book ' Die-Nebenbei DiƤt ': a very successful edition of the German Consumer Association. In Germany there are now more than 100,000 copies of the book sold.
The Choice Diet is not a diet book that provides you with slavishly follow daily menus and recipes. Indeed, the choice of diet is not prohibited. The purpose of this diet is for your guidance and tips so you can make the right choice between healthy and less healthy products. In this way, eating a pleasurable experience. Rather follow the advice and tips from The Diet Selector. You fall easily, gradually and definitively. By simply eating while healthy, tasty choices. You will also read what products you can leave more.
After an explanation of how you can make healthy choices Choice Diet contains a chapter on "My Energy". This chapter looks at how much energy you actually need a day and how much energy you eat each day. Usually we get unnoticed far too much energy diet. This excess energy is stored in our body and that is exactly what we do not want.
In summary, it is a Choice Diet easy to read book with clear examples, tips and advice. Many topics have clear images.
The collaboration between the renowned Nutrition Centre and the Consumers' gives great confidence in this new diet.

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