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Friday, 13 January 2012

The dream is an online diet menu plan for each day:

The dream is an online diet menu plan for each day:

The Dream Line Drive 4, throughout the diet again.

Disc 1: Cereal products, bread and pasta
Disc 2: Fruit and vegetables
Disc 3: Meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and substitutes
Disc 4: Oils and fats (including butter)
Use any disk. A meal is not complete until each disk in the meal is present.
The Dreamline daily diet requires you to use the following products:
- 500 ml semi-skimmed milk, buttermilk or low-fat yogurt
- 3 fruits (any fruit)
- 1 level tablespoon butter, margarine, mayonnaise, oil or grease
- 120 g plus vegetables: artichokes, eggplants, bamboo shoots, beets, zucchini,
peas, ginger, peas, rhubarb, salsify, brussels sprouts, broad beans, onions, shallots,
fennel, carrot

- Do not take more than 3 eggs a week, drink a pint of fluid per day
- Choose lean meats, choose low-fat dairy
Breakfast: Start the day with a fruit juice or 100 ml.
Half an hour later: 1 slice whole grain brown or whole wheat crackers topped with 2 1 of the following:
- 1 egg
- 20 grams of meat or vegetarian fillings
- 10 grams of peanut butter
- 15 grams of cheese
- 50 grams of cottage cheese
- 50 grams of fat cottage cheese
Spread with diet margarine / margarine
Or instead of the above 30 grams of cereal (Bambix, cornflakes, muesli, semolina, oatmeal, etc) mixed with semi-skimmed milk / low fat yogurt or buttermilk.
Lunch: 2 slices of brown bread (1 slice of bread and 2 br wholegrain crispbread)
- 2 eggs
- 35 g lean meat
- 80 g of fish
- 15 grams of peanut butter
- 30 grams of cheese
- 100 grams of cottage cheese
- 1000 grams of cottage cheese
Spread with diet margarine / margarine
Dinner: 120 grams plus unlimited vegetables and other vegetables. Combined with a choice of:

100 grams of potatoes or rice or whole wheat pasta, while a choice of 100 grams of fish, game and poultry
Other vegetables Example: alfalfa, endive, asparagus, gherkins, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, celeriac, cucumber, cabbage, mushrooms, peppers, leeks, lettuce (iceberg only), French beans, green beans, bean sprouts, tomatoes, chicory, Sauerkraut

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