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Friday, 13 January 2012

The Protein Diet protein diet either

The Protein Diet protein diet either

Want pounds lose weight with diet and lose weight? The protein diet offers you this opportunity.

When a protein diet burns fat only and not muscle.
If all goes well during protein diet you can lose around 9 pounds.

Protein Diet research:

The 24 subjects were women between 45 and 56 years old. They were given a protein diet making them per pound of body weight daily in 1.6 or 0.8 grams of protein were given. Both the protein diet and carbohydrate diet contained 50 grams of fat per day and delivered a total of 7100 calories or 1700 kilojoules. After ten weeks, the researchers measured how women
the diet had responded.
Protein Diet Carbohydrate Diet
Body Weight -7.5 Pounds -7.0 Pounds
Fat mass -6.3 Pounds -3.8 Pounds
Total Cholesterol -10 Percent -10 Percent
Lipids in blood -21 Percent -21 Percent
Insulin after meals 75 per liter picomol Picomol 207 per liter
Saturation More Less
Fasting glucose 4.89 micromoles per liter 4.34 micromoles per liter
Sugar levels after meals 4.33 micromoles per liter 3.77 micromoles per liter
The protein diet was the low insulin levels and sugar levels are high.

Participants in the protein group could easily sustain weight loss.

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