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Friday, 13 January 2012

The Fit for Life Diet

The Fit for Life Diet

The diet has some basic rules:
Use a food with high moisture content. Because the body is composed largely of water you need your diet to make sure you leave plenty of intake. This can
nutrition by using high moisture content such as fruits and vegetables. By the diet for at least 70% from vegetables and fruit to persist and the remaining 30% as protein concentrated foods to carbohydrates and you would reach a correct combination.
Take care to provide proper food combining. The diet "Lifelong fit "assumes that the body was not created to digest many foods at once. Do we do it'll be against our nature, and this costs energy and it consumes not. The right combination is always watery foods (vegetables)
with concentrated nutrients (meat, starch). So vegetables with meat (aqueous, concentrated) ok, but meat and potatoes (twice concentrated) no. Vegetables and potatoes may thus be.
Make sure fruit is eaten at the right time. For twelve hours in the afternoon you can your diet fruits and juices use only. This has to do with the three digestion cycles the body over a day goes by. Get fit and stay healthy, these cycles are recognized and respected.

That means that we are the body at certain times only to have to offer what it can actually handle. Fruit and fruit juice in the morning stimulates the so-called elimination cycle. It is also important not to eat fruit at the same time, right before or after eating other foods.
Please observe these rules then according to this weight loss diet for sure. Eating meat is not recommended in this diet but not prohibited. The fact is that the digestion of proteins much more energy would ask the body than other nutrients.
The general guidelines of this diet are:
Do not eat too much nor too little.

Fruits should be eaten as much as desired.
Eat preferably fresh produce.

Possible, avoid additives such as preservatives, etc.
Do not use too much garlic and onions.

Do not use vinegar, replace it with lemon juice.
Want to replace a meal with fruit than can. For twelve hours in the afternoon only fresh fruits and juice.
Moderate consumption of meat and dairy products is recommended. Remember not to combine fruits with other foods.
Drink more unlimited herbal teas, coffee and / or water.

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